Lojong Slogans
Hybrid Course at the Boulder Shambhala Center
Course Overview
Dates: November 7th, 2022 through January 23rd, 2023
Facilitated by Shambhala Boulder Meditation Center
No meetings on major holidays
Drop-ins welcomed
Class recordings available. See below for links and recommended readings for each class.
An ongoing Hybrid Course from the Boulder Shambhala Center on Monday Evenings until January 23, 2023.
These powerful Tibetan Buddhist teachings develop the understanding of egolessness, emptiness, the two truths, transcendent wisdom, compassion, and much more.
Taught by Path of Awakening Buddhist Center teacher John Baker.
Course Material
Recommended readings, books and videos mentioned in the class
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume 2, Chapters 33-42
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness.
Also recommended:
Pema Chödrön, Start Where You Are.
Traleg Kyabgon, The Practice of Lojong: Cultivating Compassion through Training the Mind.
About the Teacher
John Baker has been a student Buddhism for more than 50 years. A close student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche with whom he lived 1970-72, John co-founded and taught at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, serving as its first CEO for three years and teaching there for five. He also co-founded and co-directed the Karma Dzong Meditation Center (now the Boulder Shambhala Center) for the first five years of its existence. He is the co-editor of Cutting through Spiritual Materialism and The Myth of Freedom and the author numerous articles on Buddhist thought and practice.
Recommended Readings and Recordings
Class 1, November 7, 2022; “Introduction,” Class 1 recording
Class 2, November 14, 2022: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Vol. 2,
Chapter 34 “Undermining Aggression” and Chapter 35 “Point One: The Preliminaries, which are a Basis for Dharma Practice.” Class 2 recordingClass 3, November 21, 2022 Reading Assignment; The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Vol. 2, Chapter 36 “Resting in Ultimate Bodhichitta.” Class 3 recording.
Class 4, November 28: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Vol. 2,
Chapter 37, “Point 2: Training in Relative Bodhichitta .”Class 5, Dec. 5th: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Vol. 2,
Chapter 38, “Point 3: "Transformation of Bad Circumstances into the Path of Enlightenment.”Reading assignment for Class 6, December 12th: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Vol. 2,
Chapter 38, “Point 3: "Transformation of Bad Circumstances into the Path of Enlightenment,” - Part 2, Slogans 15-16, pp. 327-337
Recordings of all classes are available to registered participants.
Here's a link to the folder with all of the recordings. Each week, the new video will be added to this folder: vimeo.com/user/101606822/folder/13859286
If not registered and only listen to the class recordings afterwards, please consider making a donation to the Shambhala Boulder Center here. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you.