Online Meditation Schedule
All meditation meetings are live-streamed via Zoom and by donation.
Click here to donate any amount (optional). If attending regularly, please consider subscribing.
No meetings on major holidays
For updated information about our meetings please sign up to our weekly newsletter to learn more
Zoom Schedule OVERVIEW
For more details, see below.
One hour Morning Meditation; Daily 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM ET
Evening Meditation; Daily 6:45 - 7:30 PM ET
Online Course on Tuesdays: 7:35 - 9 PM ET The Buddhist Path of Awakening Course. After group Meditation begins at 7 PM ET (optional). Class begins 7:35 PM ET.
Wednesday Evening Discussion Group: 7:35 PM ET (after evening meditation starting at 7 PM ET).
Ngöndro group: Twice each week on Wednesdays and Saturdays 7:00 - 9:00 AM Eastern Time.
The Sadhana of Mahamudra Study & Practice Group: Once per month on a Full Moon
One Week Meditation Retreat: April, 2025 at Karme Chöling (In-person and via Zoom)
Morning Meditation (1 hour)
Join our live meditation sessions
9:00 - 9:15 AM ET: Zoom room opens. Social Conversation
9:15 - 10:15 AM ET: Practice includes sitting and optional walking meditation and tonglen (compassion) practice. You may enter and leave at any time.
10:15 AM ET: Sessions generally conclude with more social conversation.
All meetings are by donation
You may come for any part and leave at any time. Many people stay later for social conversation.
Meditation or Tonglen instruction is offered upon request. Let the leader know or contact us prior and an instructor will take you into a Zoom “breakout room.” When finished, you will have the option to re-join the main group.
To get access to Zoom meeting, fill out a form here. Please note; for added security the link will be password protected and changed frequently. Please display your name and preferably a photo.
New to meditation and our organization? View meditation instruction videos here
Evening Meditation (30 minutes)
Meditate with a group every evening via Zoom
6:45 - 7:00 PM ET: Zoom room opens. Social Conversation (Check-in). Please display your full name and preferably also a photo.
7:00 - 7:30 PM ET: Sitting Meditation Practice. You may enter and leave at any time.
7:30 PM ET: Sessions generally conclude with more social conversation. On Wednesday evenings we provide a longer discussion hour afterward, starting at 7:35 PM ET. On Tuesdays join our ongoing Buddhist Introductory class from 7:35 - 9:00 PM ET (see below).
Tuesdays: The Buddhist Path of Awakening Course
Join our online ongoing course on DEATH AND THE BARDOS. The reading assignments are chapters from the book
Luminous Emptiness by Francesca Fremantle and selected articles written by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Join our weekly newsletter to learn the weekly reading assignments.
Zoom Schedule
Drop-ins welcomed! Ongoing course open to all. No meetings on major holidays.
6:45 - 7:00 PM ET: Social Conversation (Check-in). Optional.
7:00 - 7:30 PM ET: 30 Minutes of Group Meditation (You may join any time or just come for class presentation)
7:35 - 9:00 PM ET: Class & Discussion (please see this page to review past recordings and the recommended readings each week).
The recommended reading and video recording of the class will be sent each week in an email newsletter. Subscribe here.
New to our meetings? If you just want to check us out you can access Zoom meeting link and password from our “How to Join” page here. No pre-registration is required. If new to our meetings, please join us at 6:45 PM ET to talk to our meditation course leader or email us here.
Online Discussion Meditation Group
Wednesdays; 7:35 PM ET
Starting at 7:35 PM ET after the 30 minute evening meditation
Zoom room opens 6:45 pm ET
This is an online forum on discussion of your path, your study of the dharma (including the Tuesday course week’s class) and your meditation practice
Moderated by some combination of John, Barry, Laura, and Michael.
View instructions on how to join here
The Ngöndro group is now meeting on Zoom to practice together twice each week on Wednesday and Saturday 7:00 - 9:00 am Eastern Time. If you are practicing ngöndro (any of the four practices), you are welcome to join!
No meeting on January 1, 2025 in observance of New Year's Day.
One-week meditation retreat held April 19 through April 27, 2025 at Karmé Chöling, led by senior Path of Awakening teachers and others. This retreat will be in-person as well as on Zoom. Learn more