Thursdays VIA ZOOM (7 - 9 PM ET)
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Zoom Meeting schedule: Thursdays (7 - 9 PM ET)
Class recordings & recommended readings
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Learn more about the Kagyü-Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist teachings!
Join us every Thursday via Zoom to study chapters from the book The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One, The Path of Individual Liberation, written by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
This online meditation course is for those who want to start with or review Buddhist teachings from the beginning. It will treat the doctrines of the Hinayana - the “foundational" stage of the path.
Drop-ins welcomed. By Donation.
COURSE Details
Thursdays on Zoom from 7 - 9 PM ET (after 30 minute evening meditation; 7:35 PM ET). Join us anytime!
Suggested donation: *$10/class or $108 for 12 classes (donate here)
Drop-ins welcomed. Review previous class videos below.
Led by John Baker and others
*Please note! While there is no required fee for these online classes, the suggested donation is $10/class or $108/12 classes. You can also donate your practice and study in addition to or instead of money, as these are the most valuable donations you can make. Subscribe/Donate to class
Class MEETING Schedule
6:45 PM ET: Zoom room opens. If new to our meditation community, please join us at the beginning of class. Click here to join us on Zoom.
7 -7:30 PM ET: 30 minutes of meditation (optional, but recommended!)
7:35 PM ET: Class; a presentation of a chapter followed by 20 minutes of discussion at 8:40 PM ET.
Please note: We recommend joining us for the 30-minute group meditation but if unable to attend, one may join the class in the middle of the group meditation. Come when you can!
Optional: Also join our Wednesday evening discussion group starting after evening meditationo at 7:35 PM ET.
New Class Participants
If new to our online classes and virtual Sangha please join us when Zoom room opens at 6:45 PM ET. Make sure to display a photo of yourself and a name. To retrieve the Zoom link, simply fill out the form on this page. Please contact us here if you have any questions.
Class Reading Assignments and Recordings
The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Volume One, The Path of Individual Liberation.
Class 1: April 27, 2023: “The Editor’s Introduction" pages xxxi-xlix. https://youtu.be/VEZy_ub1vbY
Class 2: May 4, 2023: Chapter One, "Beginning at the Beginning," pp. 3-5; Chapter Two, "The Frozen Space of Ego," pp. 6-10; and Chapter Three, "The Path of Individual Salvation," pp. 11-20. https://youtu.be/jxvbC7ynVYA
Class 3: May 11, 2023: Chapter Four: “Opening to the True Dharma” pp. 21-39. https://youtu.be/8hxpzphzNrc
Class 4: May 18, 2023: Chapters 5 & 6, Chapter Five: "Joining Study and Practice” pp. 40-45, and Chapter Six: “Achieving Sanity Here on Earth” pp. 46-55. https://youtu.be/rjJ4UO-hCgQ
Class 5: May 25, 2023: Chapter 7: “The Path, the Vehicle, and the Traveler” pp. 56-60 and Chapter 8: “Relating with a Teacher” pp.61-64. https://youtu.be/HLpF0-zXqcA
June 1, 2023: Chapter Nine: “The Painful Reality of Samsara” pp. 65-79. https://youtu.be/VeORyw35duI
June 8, 2023: Chapter 10: “Buddhadharma Fever” pp. 81-88; Chapter 11: “Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels” pp. 89-95; and Chapter 12: “The Sutra of the Recollection of the Noble Three Jewels, pp. 97-99. Chapters 10, 11, and 12 are available in two parts (we had difficulties) at https://youtu.be/Hq5tEmLJRkU (Part 1) and https://youtu.be/kmhrrdBN8cc (Part 2).
June 15, 2023: Chapters 13, 14, and 15 covering The Buddha, The Dharma, and The Sangha is available at https://youtu.be/lky_-hVUXfA
June 22, 2023: Chapter 16: “The Loneliness and Joy of Discipline," pp. 127-132, and Chapter 17: “Taming the Neurotic Mind,” pp. 133-137, and Chapter 18: “Cutting the Root of Samsara,” pp. 138-143. https://youtu.be/gMV7EwyK5kM
June 29, 2023; Chapter 19: “Continually Gnawing Rock,” pp.144-153. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wppw3NCfqrA
July; No classes
August 3, 2023: Class resumes. Chapter 20: “Becoming a Dharmic Person,” pp.155-164; and Chapter 21: “Refraining from Harm,” pp.165-170. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wppw3NCfqrA
August 10, 2023: Chapter 22, “Simplicity” and Chapter 23, “Following the Example of the Buddha.” https://youtu.be/zm42LsPsomc
August 17, 2023 Chapter 24: “The Basic Minimum,” pp. 187-192; and Chapter 25: “Taking Your Seat,” pp. 193-200. https://youtu.be/Bpm9bvba48A
August 24, 2023
Chapter 26: “Breathing Out,” pp. 201-206; and
Chapter 27: “Labeling Thoughts,” pp. 207-211; and
Chapter 28: “Touch and Go,” pp. 212-214. https://youtu.be/PDcryfuv2Dc
August 31, 2023
Chapter 29: “Encountering Problems,” pp. 215-222; and
Chapter 30: “Leading a Spotless Life,” pp. 223-229. https://youtu.be/bOTaKFudSGE
September 7, 2023
Chapter 31: “Resting in Shamatha,” pp. 231-242; and
Chapter 32: “Identifying Obstacles to Shamatha,” pp. 243-247.
September 14, 2023; Chapter 33, “Antidotes to the Obstacles to Shamatha” and Chapter 34, “Cutting Thoughts and Short-Circuiting the Kleshas" is available at https://youtu.be/P3lSuLjamZo
September 21
Chapter 35: “An Element of Magic,” pp. 264-266;
Chapter 36: “Transcending Dualistic Mind,” pp. 267-272;
Chapter 37: “Rediscovering Your Own Mind,” pp. 273-280; and
Chapter 38: “Mixing Mind with Space,” pp. 281-283.
September 28
Chapter 39: “Mindfulness of Body,” pp. 285-293; and
Chapter 40: “Mindfulness of Life,” pp. 294-303.
If you are interested in taking the Refuge Vow, please email PathofAwakeningBuddhistCenter@gmail.com.
Special Offer from Shambhala Publications
Get a 40% discount on any and all of the volumes of The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma by Chögyam Trungpa and also on Mind at Ease by Traleg Kyabgon. Order at www.shambhala.com and use the discount code POA40 at checkout. Shambhala Publications is generously doing this to help with our study of the Buddha-dharma.
Resource Links
Meditation books, videos, articles, and more.
Join our email list; Recommended readings are sent in our weekly newsletter
Samadhi Cushions: Recommended Meditation Cushions and Meditation Benches
Related Video Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
The Chronicles Project, From the Sadhana of Mahamudra Seminar, November 1975
Watch Video: The Teacher. Guru - Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
"In relating with the teacher, your critical input and your surrendering work together at the same time. They're not working against each other. The more you get input from the teacher and the phenomenal world and the more you develop, at the same time the more you question. So there is some kind of dance taking place between the teacher and yourself. You are not particularly trying to switch off your questioning intelligence and switch on some sort of mindless devotion. Rather, the two - cynicism and devotion --are synchronized together.